Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hadley & Bennett - 01.14.2012

This past weekend my sister, Hadley, married one of the nicest and most selfless guys I have ever met, Bennett Johnson.  We met Bennett a little over 2 years ago when they first started dating and over those years the Peacocks and the Johnsons have become best friends.  Between their 4 boys & Becky, and our 3 girl we manage to have a pretty good time together.

The main inspiration behind this post is to share a little bit about how the weekend went and to tell you how overwhelmed and grateful I am for all of the things that people did for our families.

Starting off the weekend on Friday afternoon, all of my aunts, grandmother and great-aunt hosted a Bridesmaid's Luncheon in at Lotus in Goldsboro.  Let me tell you, those ladies don't do anything halfway!  The private room that we were in was already very nice looking, but my aunts had decorated it beautifully and really taken lots of time to do so.  You could just tell that they had really put a lot of thought into it and done a lot of things beforehand to get ready for it.  It really was a treat.  Thanks Aunt Beverly, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Normie, Aunt Princie, MaMa and Aunt Margaret!

Later that afternoon we had the rehearsal at church followed by the Rehearsal Dinner at Goldsboro Country Club hosted by the Johnsons.  I think I can partly speak for them in saying that they had family and friends voluntarily help out with the set up and everything too.  It was a cute, bicycle theme and everything looked so good.  I think that it the only time that I have ever actually seen a fire in those fireplaces in the main ballroom!  When people started giving their toasts, you could really tell that the Peacocks were welcoming not only Bennett, but all of the Johnsons into our family, and the same for the Johnsons welcoming us.  Phillip and the groomsmen sang a cute little song that Phil had written.  The chorus went like this, "Let it be, Had-ley.  She will win, Little Ben.  Your life together.....begins." Needless to say, it was hilarious.  The Johnsons' friend Daniel also played the piano from the time that people started to arrive all the way through dinner and until everyone was finished eating.  I couldn't get over how generous he was with his time!  Thanks Daniel!  I know that the Johnsons really appreciated all of the people who were there for them to help out with this special night.

On to Saturday....The Big Day!  That morning my parents' Supper Club and several other couples hosted a Wedding Day Brunch at The Seegars' home.  I seriously can't even explain how amazing this house is so I'm not going to try, but it reminds me of something that would be tucked away in the mountains of Switzerland or Austria or somewhere.  Mr. Seegars is really big into hunting (like....he goes around the world, not just to the backyard) and all of his "trophies" are displayed around the sound and it is SO COOL!  My favorite quote of that part of the weekend was from Matt Goetke while looking around at everything --> "...I don't even care if we eat!!" Anyways, once again, I was overwhelmed with all of the work that people put into that party and how generous the Seegars' were to let that many people into their home at 10 o'clock in the morning!  Thanks everybody!!!

For the rest of that afternoon everyone kind of went separate ways to get their hair done, take a nap, get in an hour of bowling.  After we had all gotten ready at the church and taken pictures, it was time for guests to start arriving.  Hadley was as cool as a cucumber and as beautiful as a tulip. (She likes those better than roses)  The wedding was BEAUTIFUL and everything went great.  All of the bridesmaids looked great in our Peacock Blue dresses (that's really the name of the color, I swear) and the groomsmen looked extremely handsome in their tuxes.  The church was PACKED and it was such a blessing to have so many friends and family members there to witness and support Had & Ben's marriage.  Okay, I'm getting sappy, but it really was awesome.

The rest of the night was a BLAST!  The ballroom at Walnut Creek Country Club was beautiful and perfect!  Not too much but definitely not too little.  Mom, your decorations were awesome!  A family friend, Robert, helped us decorate and had the creative eye for how everything should look.  I think that everyone danced at some point, and whoever wasn't out on the dance floor was standing right there on the edges watching the goons who didn't care what they looked like! (That would be me)  Another family friend, Judge Charlie Gaylor, drove H&B in his shiny, black, 1956 Packard (or something like that) and it was the perfect car!  It made me think of when you draw a little cartoon or something of a little bride and groom in a little black car.  It was such a cool car and it tied everything together for that ultimate, "classic" touch.  I couldn't be more happier with the way everything turned out and I think my mom and Hadley would say the same.  Everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time and I would do it all again without changing one thing!

One more thing that I really enjoyed was getting to hang out with Hadley's bridesmaids and getting to know many of them better.  I love all of you and am so glad that everyone could make it and enjoy the weekend!

The Lord has really blessed our families with some awesome friends and family members and I could not be more grateful for everything that everyone did for us!!  It really really REALLY means a lot and I wish that there were some better way that I could express that gratitude.  I love you all and thanks again.


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