Friday, December 23, 2011

"A thrill of hope, the wearly World rejoices."

Sometimes I wonder if the singers covering a Christmas Hymn really understand (or care about) what they're actually singing about, or if it is just pretty words put to a catchy tune that they know people would like to hear.  As I was in the car the other night, Celine Dion's version of "O Holy Night" came on the radio and I was unusually intrigued by not only her beautiful voice, but also the words of the hymn.  I listened more closely than usual and really thought about each line of the song as it came through the speakers.  Here is what I heard...

O, Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining.  It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.
Imagine a quiet, crisp, simple night when everything seems to be at peace and all is right.  The stars are shining so brightly and we all know what a beautiful scene that is!  This is some sort of special night when God is looking down with a smile on his face.  For this is the night that His Son, Jesus, the Savior of the world is going to be born on this earth.  What more of a perfect way to begin painting the picture of this awesome night?!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining, 'till He appeared and the soul felt it's worth.
The world and the people in it have become such a disgrace to what God originally planned for it to be, but something awesome is about to happen.  Jesus is about to be born and the people of earth will finally feel some sort of worth and follow Him and glorify His name.  (That comes in a couple more lines...)

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.  For yonder, breaks a new and glorious morn.
Continuing the thought of "the soul felt it's worth", we are finally finding hope.  The world which was once weary and without any hope is now rejoicing in Jesus, the Savior, being born.  Tomorrow surely is a NEW and GLORIOUS morn!  We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! ("He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5 NIV)

Fall on your knees!  O, hear the angel voices!
How can we not fall down in worship and praise God who gave us His only Son to save us from sin and death and the fire of Hell??  (John 3:16)  Listen to the huge choir of angels who are here at this stable in Bethlehem and how beautifully they sing!  All praising this baby Jesus and rejoicing in His birth!  I think about any big Tabernacle Choir and how angelic their voices all sound...but REAL, HEAVENLY angels?! Just imagine how AWESOME that must have sounded!!!

O, night divine!  O, night when Christ was born!
Christ is born tonight!  It surely was a divine night.  Something that is so great like the divine taste of chocolate chess pie with homemade whipped cream! (Except WAY better.)

Truly, He taught us to love one another.  His Law is love and His Gospel is peace.
Jesus did teach us to love one another and this IS His Law of Love.  This wasn't a suggestion, it is a command.

Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother.  And in His Name all oppression shall cease.
Through Jesus's birth, we are able to be set free from eternal damnation if we so choose (John 14:6).  Simply in the Name of Jesus, all of the terrible things (oppression) that Satan tries to put on us through our own guilt and sin can be stopped.  This is really good news, guys!

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we.  Let all within us praise His holy Name!
Once again, how can we not lift up our voices in praise and songs of happiness because of this holy night that took place over 2000 years ago?  Here is what we should say/sing/yell (whatever you wanna do)...

"Christ is the Lord!"  Let ever, ever praise we.
Let's say this everyday, forever.

Noel.  Noel.  O, night divine.
"Noel" = "Birthday" in Latin.  This is the ULTIMATE birthday! It's a pretty cool thought to think that this little baby's birthday was a "night divine". (Remember, better than the chocolate chess....well, you get it.)

Anyways, I hope that my thoughts make some sort of sense to you and that over this upcoming Christmas weekend, you can remember how great and glorious was the night that started out as a simple, silent night.  I challenge you to not only listen to the song now, but to listen to the words from now on.  See if you can paint a picture and get an idea of what the original songwriter was trying to tell us many years ago.


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