Sunday, December 11, 2011


PHEW!!! It has definitely been a month PACKED full of wedding, wedding and more wedding!  For those of you who don't know, my sister Hadley is getting married in a month (34 days, but who's counting?) and the past 2 weekends have been none stop wedding showers.  We are all so thankful for all of our gracious family members and Hadley's & Bennett's friends who have hosted showers, given gifts, and been there to support them these past several months!  Last weekend, Mary Clyde (sister) and I -- along with lots of Mom's help and Mama's beautiful home and decorations -- hosted a Christmas themed shower for Hadley.  It was so great to see lots of friends and family and catch up with everyone again.

This weekend we were in for a double dose!  On top of the 2 bridal showers we had (and I say "we" because  I have attended and performed my "MOH duties" at all of them) a King family reunion in Durham at The Cotton Room.  It was beautiful! The room was gorgeous and the food was outstanding.  Hadley initially wanted to have her reception there but our parents said that we could only invite immediate family if that were the case!  So Had decided that she would go for somewhere that she could have all of she and Bennett's friends and our families.  Anyways, right after the family reunion, we headed straight to my cousin Kathryn's house in Raleigh for a "Something You Can't Live Without" shower which she and another cousin Amy hosted.  Let me tell you about that snack! These were the types of handmade snacks that you only see in the magazines and think to yourself "oooh, I wanna make that!" but of course it never actually happens.  There were bite sized chicken & waffles (Amy is from Savannah, GA...), a cheese ring w/ strawberry preserves, homemade cheese stars, pumpkin dip w/ gingerbread cookies and some sort of minty mouse in tiny chocolate cups (YUMMMM!!!).  I honestly don't even want to try to describe it all because I can't do it justice.  But we had a great time and stayed there until our eyes were about to shut tight.

So now we come to today's shower in Wilson.  This morning, Mom and I left Goldsboro a little early and went to The Johnson's house to eat some Parker's BBQ for lunch before heading over to Bennett's Aunt Vickie's house where several Wilson ladies hosted Hadley's final shower.  It was so nice to meet more of The Johnson's friends and get to hang out with Bennett's aunts and cousins a little bit more.  After the shower we came back to the Johnson's house for a little while (somehow my dad ended up over there too, he just couldn't stay away from the party) and ordered a pizza.  It's so good to spend time with them!

I told Hadley she better start writing her Thank You notes soon because we are about to fill up that little book of her's!  Mom is rearranging the dining room right now to display more of their gifts.

Although it has been a tiring process, it has been so much fun and the real fun is still yet to come!  The Lord has really blessed us with a great family and some awesome friends and continues to bless us every day.  He is awesome!  Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has come and supported Hadley & Bennett and our families, it really means a lot to us and to them!! WE LOVE YOU!

Now I've got to finish up my last week of exams/work and I'll be home again before I know it.  Good luck to everybody with the rest of school before Christmas Break can officially start! :)

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